2020 Membership Renewals
Please note, the deadline for membership renewals has now passed (was the 31st January). Reminder emails have been issued to everyone who has not re-joined or not confirmed they are leaving. A hard deadline of Friday 14th February has now been set for all remaining renewals before we lapse the memberships to free up spaces. This is due to the large waiting list we currently have (as of 09/02/20 we have 92 people on the list) and the need to start working through the list to invite new members.
I will be at the leisure centre from 5:45pm until 9:00pm on Friday 14th to collect any remaining membership renewals and fees. Please note, we can’t accept the form without payment in full of £40 (cash or cheque to “Consett Amateur Swimming Club”).
Any questions, please drop me a line on membership@consett-asc.co.uk.
(Consett-ASC Membership Secretary)