Update on Easing of Covid Measures

For those who have returned to swimming Durham County Council have advised us of the following changes to their policies from Monday 19th July:

No need to queue outside and wait.
Showers and changing rooms will be opening.
Spectators areas will be re-opened.
No chairs on poolside and no need to turn up beach ready.
Lane Capacities will be pre-covid.

As cases are still high public and staff safety is still paramount so DCC are still encouraging everyone to follow key safety messages such as wearing of masks, keeping distance, hand sanitising etc.

Although restrictions are being lifted we are still conscious of the fact that we need to remain cautious.

DCC will continue to monitor the situation and take relevant steps to ensure they can operate safely.

As a Club we still strongly recommend following advice regarding mask wearing and hand sanitising. Anyone feeling unwell should not attend.