Dear Member

Welcome to Consett ASC. We hope you will have an enjoyable and happy time as a member of our organisation and that you make many new friends and enjoy training and competing with us.


If you have a question regarding coaching, you should in the first instance approach your child’s coach. Do so at time convenient to you both but please do not go onto poolside and interrupt training sessions. The coaches will be happy to arrange a time before or after training to discuss any training issues.


You may wonder what we mean by safeguarding. Essentially, alongside our wish for you to enjoy and succeed at your sport, we want to ensure that you are safe and happy at the organisation and that we act upon anything that prevents that. That is what we call ‘safeguarding our members’.

We have a safeguarding manual called Wavepower. If you want to have a look at Wavepower, the Welfare Officer will have a copy that you can read or it can be viewed and downloaded from the organisation’s website or from the Swim England website.

While we will do all we can to prevent anything happening, it is important if something or someone causes you to be unhappy that you tell someone. Tell your parent, your coach, the welfare officer or any other adult you feel happy to speak to. Any issues you raise will be dealt with.

To assist you here are some helpful details of how you can raise concerns:

Your welfare officer is Lynne Davidson and she can be contacted via Email

Swim England also have an email to report concerns if you want to tell someone, but not anyone in the organisation. The address is

Child Power is a Swim England section of the Swim England website just for young people like you. It has a message link so that you can send a concern in writing to the Swim England Child Safeguarding Team who will then help you with whatever issue you have raised.

Lynne Davidson, Welfare Officer